Options for your STEM journey

The importance of STEM careers  

The STEM Ambassador initiative seeks to help address a number of key challenges in the world which require science based critical thinking and problem solving skills.

For example, 

  • according to the Global Food Index, one billion people in the world do not have enough food to eat - advances in STEM could help farmers develop crops that provide greater yield
  • Cancer Research UK estimates that over 300,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK each year - the route to finding a cure for cancer lies with developing a future workforce with the appropriate STEM skills

Working through your choices

When it comes to thinking about a career path and ‘making choices’, it can seem like a bit of a daunting prospect and make you feel like ‘I’ve not long started high school, surely it’s far too soon!?’. The good news is, it is early and it’s ok if you don’t yet have a clue. There are plenty of sources of careers advice on offer when the time comes.

If you think you are interested in STEM subjects, here's some inspiration in the area.  There are loads of ways you can develop your interests both inside and outside the classroom. Take a look at the variety of topics STEM covers.