Inspiring STEM in Argyll
STEM Journeys in Argyll
Working alongside local videographer Neil Boyle from Dunoon, ALIenergy Education Officers created the inspirational video 'STEM Journeys in Argyll' to help raise awareness of opportunities relating to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in the workplace. Inspiring young people’s interest in these subjects and highlighting the variety of educational and training routes is at the heart of the video recognising that the paths people take might not always be 'conventional'. Together with the in-depth STEM Profiles, the video aims to show just how many exciting and important STEM roles are possible nearby, especially for those who live and want to build a future in Argyll and Bute. From sea farms to wind farms, communications technology to arctic exploration, these snapshots of life in STEM give a great taste of the diversity on offer now and for the future.
The film is able to capture not only the working world for four professionals in different STEM roles across Argyll and Bute, but also the beauty of the local landscape. Its message is that while there is of course a wealth of different places to work and study in STEM in other parts of Scotland, the UK and across the world there are also so many pathways for young people to explore right on their doorstep, not least in Argyll & Bute.
The wider STEM background
With over twenty years of experience in science and education, Dr Dorothy Aidulis BSc(Hons) PhD PGCE (Secondary Science) PGCAP FHEA, who runs STEM Scotland, is very familiar with the range of challenges and opportunities in STEM. Her training organisation seeks to contribute expertise and activity to promote the growth of STEM in Scotland and beyond. As one aspect of her championing of STEM, Dorothy’s video for ALIenergy explains a bit more about the wider background to STEM learning, explaining what it is and exploring why is it so important in the world we live in today.
Both of the videos on this page (along with others we hope to add in the future) aim to inspire the young people we work with and others to think about STEM and understand more about what amazing careers could be available. We know that there is no one right way to get to the career you love and that sometimes the journey towards it might be about trial and error and finding the right path that can work for you.
Perhaps you are a young person with a keen interest in STEM subjects at school and would like to know how best to take this forward to a career, or you are a local organisation who relies on STEM skills and would like to discuss taking part in future videos, we would love to hear from you. If you are interested in STEM and would like to talk to our Education Officers, contact them at
Special thanks to our participants Jack Anderson, Morgan Curtis, Dougie McKenzie and Sarah Reed for making time to share their inspiring stories with us, and also to our project funders ScottishPower Renewables.