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Welcome to another part of ALIenergy's Climate Quest, first published as part of the project's series of workshops for schools in Autumn 2021. This activity supported the sessions delivered at high schools in Tarbert, Campbeltown and Lochgilphead in September/October of that year and formed part of our efforts to celebrate and support the year of COP26, happening in Glasgow from 31st October to 12th November 2021.
In this follow-up Climate Quest challenge we asked the three schools we work most closely with to encourage their pupils to get out and about in the local area to hunt for features of the landscape that are connected to climate change, and the work that's already being done to tackle it in the largest three towns in our project area. By simply taking a walk around their school's town, with just some what3words clues, a phone, some curiosity AND a parent, carer or friend(s) for safety, our aim was to support young people's interest in how renewable and climate-friendly technologies can be seen, right on our doorsteps here in Argyll.
The activity made use of the what3words app/website, allowing pupils who participated to find, identify and think about each of five specially chosen sites in their local area. As well as taking a photo when they get to each location (and later sending this to ALIenergy as part of a competition we ran for the 2021/22 school year), visiting each one was a chance to investigate green issues and technologies and explore questions like:
If you are a teacher or pupil from Campbeltown, Lochgilphead or Tarbert and want to find out more, please get in touch. Alternatively, click on the image for any of the towns at the top of this page. You can set off on your Climate Quest mission today.