Helping to alleviate energy debt with the Home Heating Support Fund
In March the Scottish Government allocated £4 million to the Home Heating Support Fund in response to increased financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. This fund was aimed at helping customers with energy debt and those who were self-rationing. In the 5 weeks of the Home Heating Support Fund being available, our Affordable Warmth team made 106 applications, obtaining a total award of £60,010.80. This money was paid directly to suppliers to cover energy debt, ongoing costs and pre-payment vouchers for clients.
Energy debt can cause a lot of stress and worry for people who can’t afford to pay their energy bills. Home Heating Support Fund awards have helped people get back on track with their energy payments without the debt hanging over them and taking a proportion of any energy payments they were making. Obtaining a support award means every penny the customers spend on energy now goes towards their ongoing usage, making their bills, meter top-ups or direct debits more affordable. This also means its more likely they will be able to sustain the payments and not build up another energy debt.
Our Affordable Warmth Advisors are continuing to work with successful applicants to help them switch to cheaper tariffs, use their heating system more efficiently and support them to plan for next winter.