Day in Industry 2023
With the culmination of another successful collaboration between ALIenergy and DYW Argyll, Education Officers, Katie and Michael, are delighted to share news that the new webpage and video Day in Industry 2023 are now available here.
The film encapsulates the varied work experience days that our 10 successful applicants, from high schools in Campbeltown, Lochgilphead and Tarbert took part in. These days - organised with seven local companies whose operations encompass the use of STEM skills – give young people the chance to work alongside company staff, seeing at firsthand how STEM subjects are applied to the everyday demands of actual businesses.
ALIenergy and DYW Argyll are indebted to the support offered by: Ardfern Yacht Centre; Argyll Pharmacy; DM Fabrication; Forestry and Land Scotland; Kintyre Gin; Midton and Renewable Parts. It is thanks to their support, as well as that received through the pupils’ schools and Argyll and Bute Council, that we were able to put everything into place to ensure the success of the days. This is evident not only in the scenes and audio captured by our videographer Kenny McLay, but also in the feedback provided by all 10 of the young people. The pupils who took advantage of this chance were able to put into practice their employability skills through the application process and later grow their knowledge of the particular sector and job they visited. There was a real appreciation from the participants around the opportunity the days gave them to meet and work alongside people using STEM in their jobs, and equally high praise from those same staff about the quality and enthusiasm of their visitors.
We hope you’ll agree how inspiring the film is in terms of further raising awareness and interest in the depth and wealth of STEM opportunities locally around Argyll. Also how much this option for school pupils’ future career paths into roles like these should be recognised and considered in comparison to other more traditional routes to STEM employment.
Funded by ScottishPower Renewables Beinn an Tuirc 2 Windfarm