Inspiration for a new generation
In collaboration with a Dunoon-based videographer and a diverse group of STEM professionals, the Education team are putting the finishing touches to a resource aimed at helping raise awareness and inspire secondary school students’ interest in the key subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In early March a virtual premiere-style event is to be held with the video participants and other people involved in its production, before the final resource goes live shortly afterwards. When published online, the video will form part of a multimedia collection called STEM Journeys in Argyll. This will profile a number of contributors, including their career journeys and a chance to pass on some guidance for young people on their possible futures in STEM.
The 5-minute filmed piece shows not only the working world for four professionals from STEM roles across Argyll and Bute but also showcases the beauty of the local landscape, encouraging the idea that opportunities are on offer on young people’s doorstep. Gathering footage from this range of locations and industries, while adhering to changing Covid guidelines throughout, hasn’t been without its challenges, but Neil Boyle – an up-and-coming videographer from Dunoon - somehow found a way and he is set to complete editing on schedule.
Alongside the video, will be a series of in-depth career profiles detailing the background of local employees who use STEM skills in their work. Visitors to this webpage will be able to explore the context and details of contributors’ jobs, how they developed the skills needed for their role, their training/career paths and how all this relates to their thoughts on young people’s engagement in STEM subjects.
Both resources will be adapted for use as part of workshops in or with the help of the target schools, from Campbeltown, Lochgilphead & Tarbert, served by ALIenergy’s education and skills development project. Local education officers see this as an excellent way for Scottish Power Renewables’ Beinn an Tuirc 2 Community Benefit Fund (which supports the education project) to help strengthen existing relations and create collaborative partnerships between local industry and schools in this part of Argyll.