Caledonian MacBrayne Community Fund
The CalMac Community Fund announced 59 new awards to community groups to help restart or continue their services since the pandemic. ALIenergy was very pleased to be one of the organisations selected.
The funding is being used to provide health and wellbeing support to the affordable warmth advisory team, strengthening them in their continued efforts to offer the best possible service and outcomes for ALIenergy clients. The affordable warmth advice service works with local households experiencing fuel poverty and hardship and this post pandemic funding provides increased resilience to the team.
In particular, the CalMac Community Fund aims to support:
- Services and activities addressing or reducing social isolation, including encouraging re-engagement with community activity following the pandemic.
- Services and activities supporting better mental health and improved well-being.
- Health and Wellbeing outcomes including improved mental health, improved self-esteem and increased physical activity.
- Social and Community outcomes including greater access to local community and social activities, development of new friendships and development of new life skills.
- Education and Skills outcomes including improved teamwork and communication.
- Employment and Volunteering outcomes including the generation of 903 volunteering hours.
Projects supported by the Fund have engaged with over 4,500 people living in our communities.