25 years of local advice, education and raising awareness - help us continue, donate today
For over 20 years our Affordable Warmth Team has been busy in the West of Scotland helping people stay warm in their homes. We offer advice, support and assistance to people living in Argyll & Bute, Lochaber and Highland regions.
As well as helping households directly, we also provide training and mentoring to other supporting orgasnisations in the community, including health and social care professionals, carers, community groups and volunteers.
Our Affordable Warmth work aims to reduce the number of households in Argyll and Highlands who experience fuel poverty. We target our assistance to groups who are most vulnerable to fuel poverty, including the elderly, single parents, families with young children, young adults living alone and the disabled.
Contact us if you would like to access the service, or get in touch at enquiries@alienergy.org.uk or on 01631 565183.
Energy Action Scotland is Scotland’s national fuel poverty charity. Read the latest from Energy Action Scotland members.
NEA are the national fuel poverty charity working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.